Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

natalie jill
John Trice
Natalie Jill
43, 5'2"
San Diego
Before: 175 lb.
Dress size: 10/12
After: 113 lb.

Dress size: 2
Total pounds lost: 62 lb.
Sizes lost: 4

In my 20s and early 30s, I was obsessed with what I should and shouldn't eat. But when I got pregnant in 2007, I finally had an excuse to eat whatever I wanted, and I quickly piled on 50 pounds. Deep down I knew that I was overweight, but it wasn't until I caught a glimpse of myself in a mirrored window on a walk with my baby that I saw all the extra weight. Before I got pregnant, I was a motivator at my corporate job, pushing people to do their best; I needed to apply that same attitude to getting back in shape.

RELATED: Pregnant? How to Eat Right

Becoming a fitness force
My first goal was to simply get moving every day, even just by taking a walk outside. And I decided to re-up my nutrition and fitness-trainer certifications, which I had first gotten years ago. As I studied, I would test out each body-weight move and even make up some of my own. With each passing week, I could see myself growing stronger; I had muscle popping out everywhere.

New career kick-start
Next, I cut out processed foods. Posting photos of my meals on Facebook helped me drop the 50 pounds I'd gained, plus an additional 12, in less than two years. My friends and their friends were sharing my meals and workouts; I suddenly had a big social media following! So I created an e-book called 7 Day Jump Start, which got so popular that I founded Natalie Jill Fitness in 2012. I don't hide my backstory—gaining weight is just a reality for pregnant women—but I do let women know: You're not stuck with those pounds for life.

RELATED: How to Stick to a Workout Plan

Natalie's Knock-It-Off Tips
How did Natalie drop 62 pounds? With these smart strategies. Find even more tactics

Inject some fun
When I'm looking for workout motivation, I pull out my favorite neon exercise clothes for a burst of energy. Plus, yellow and pink make me feel upbeat!

Hit the floor
My go-to: plank-based moves. They're great for shaping your abs and upper body. Just make sure you're engaging your core, keeping your glutes tight and tucking your pelvis under to protect your lower back.

Think: Healthy fats
I eat a lot of protein-packed meals filled with good fats. My favorite is shrimp with a ton of veggies, all cooked up in coconut oil.

RELATED: 17 High-Protein Snacks You Can Eat On the Go

Find your inspiration
My 420,000 followers on Instagram keep me going! Follow me at @nataliejillfit.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

If you’re struggling to understand how to lose belly fat, and want a tight, toned stomach, then you want to read this article.

If we could magically zap fat in just one area of our bodies, most of us would probably pick the stomach. Belly fat is just universally reviled.
And it’s hated not only for its ugliness, but for its stubbornness. Trying to lose it can be reallyfrustrating if you don’t understand what you’re actually dealing with, and how to tackle it correctly.
Well, in this article, I’m going to break it all down for you and give you a simple belly fat loss routine that works every time, for everyone.
First, let’s talk a little about the science of belly fat. What makes it so hard to lose?

Why Belly Fat is Hard to Lose

how to lose belly fat in a week
To better understand why belly fat hangs on so tenaciously, I want to quickly review how your body actually “burns” fat.
“Burning fat” is really a two-part process: releasing energy from fat stores into the blood (lipolysis) and cells taking those molecules in and utilizing them (oxidation).
This first step, lipolysis, is triggered by chemicals known as “catecholamines.” Adrenaline is a catecholamine, for example, and once these chemicals are in your blood, they attach to “receptors” (attachment sites) on fat cells, which causes them to release some of their energy stores.
These molecules so released (free fatty acids) are then used as fuel (burned or “oxidized”) by various types of cells in the body. Well-trained muscle is particularly good at oxidizing fats, by the way, which is why it’s easier to lose fat when you have a good amount of muscle.
Now, here’s where we get to the difference between belly fat cells and fat cells that are easier to lose.
‘Stubborn’ fat cells are physiologically resistant to mobilization.
Fat cells have a certain number of receptor sites for catecholamines, but they aren’t all the same. One type of receptor is known as an “alpha-receptor” and another is a “beta-receptor.” The physiology gets pretty complicated, but here’s the bottom line: beta-receptors accelerate lipolysis and alpha-receptors hinder it.
What this means is fat cells that have more beta-receptors than alpha-receptors are relatively easy to mobilize, whereas fat cells that have more alpha-receptors than beta are harder to mobilize.
This is the problem with belly fat, and all other forms of “stubborn fat“: the ratio between beta- and alpha-receptors is heavily weighted toward alpha (it has many more alpha-receptors than beta).
Thus, when you’re losing fat, you immediately start seeing reductions in fat masses with high amounts of beta-receptors, but the masses with amounts of alpha-receptors are slow to respond.
For most of us, this means rapid reductions in places like our arms, shoulders, chest, face, and legs, and slower reductions in our stomachs, hips, lower back, and thighs. These latter areas are always the last to really get lean, because they contain the most fat cells high in alpha-receptors.
So, if that’s the science of belly fat, how do we get rid of it?

How to Lose Belly Fat Without Losing Your Sanity

how to lose belly fat naturally
I have good news for you: losing belly fat is really quite easy.
  • You don’t have to severely restrict your calories and starve yourself.
  • You don’t have to severely restrict the foods you eat (you can eat plenty of carbs, have a nice cheat meal every week, etc.).
  • You don’t have to do hours and hours of cardio every week.
  • You don’t have to do special ab exercises.
Effectively losing belly fat requires only two things:
  1. Gradually reducing your overall body fat percentage.
  2. Utilizing certain training and supplementation strategies that help your body mobilize stubborn fat cells.
By way of example, here are results from a recent cut of mine. I started around 10% body fat:
As you can see, I was holding noticeable fat in my obliques and lower abs. And 8 weeks later, here’s how I looked at 6-7% body fat:
I am clearly all-around leaner, but the most noticeable change is the reduction of belly fat.
So, let’s look at these two points of reducing body fat percentage and accelerating belly fat loss separately.

Reduce Your Body Fat Percentage and You Will Lose Belly Fat

This is the first thing I always tell people that are frustrated with belly fat: your primary goal is to reduce your body fat percentage.
If you’re a guy and you’re over 10% body fat, you’re going to have belly fat to deal with. If you’re a girl and you’re over 20%, the same is true for you.
In the end, completely getting rid of belly fat requires that you get very lean–6-7% for guys, and 16-17% for girls. There’s just no way around this fact.
As you probably know, the key to reducing body fat percentage is proper dieting, but losing belly fat can be slow-going even when you’re doing everything right (utilizing a moderate calorie deficit and a proper macronutrient ratio and exercising regularly). This is why it frustrates people to no end.
Fortunately, there are some simple exercise and supplementation strategies that will help 

7 Strategies for Losing Belly Fat Faster

exercises to lose belly fat
You can’t “target” belly fat by doing crunches or special types of exercise, but you can do a handful of things that will accelerate total fat loss and, in some cases, help specifically with mobilizing and burning the “stubborn” fat stores around your waist.
Let’s look at 7 science-based ways to do this.

1. Fasted Training

People usually think “fasted training” means “training on an empty stomach,” but it’s a bit different.
Fasted training means training in a “fasted state,” and this has to do with insulin levels in your blood.
You see, when you eat food, it gets broken down into various molecules that your cells can use, and these molecules are released into your blood. Insulin is released as well, and its job is to shuttle these molecules into cells.
Now, depending on how much you eat, your plasma (blood) insulin levels can remain elevated for several hours (anywhere from 3 – 6+). Why is this important? Because insulin blocks lipolysis (fat “mobilization’).
When your body is in this “fed” state–when its insulin levels are elevated and its absorbing nutrients you’ve eaten–little-to-no fat burning occurs.
Your body enters a “fasted” state when it has finished absorbing all nutrients from the food you’ve eaten and insulin levels return to their normal, low “baseline” levels. When you exercise your body in this state, fat loss is accelerated (and weighlifting in a fasted state is particularly effective).
So, as you can see, just feeling like you have an “empty stomach” doesn’t necessarily mean your insulin levels have returned to baseline.
The easiest way to work fasted training into your routine is to work out first thing in the morning, before you eat breakfast. This has an added benefit, as well: fasting for longer than 6 hours increases your body’s ability to burn fat.
There is a downside to fasted training, however.
When you exercise in a fasted state, muscle breakdown is increased.
This is bad simply because too much muscle breakdown impairs total muscle growth over time. You can prevent this by supplementing with a supplement known as HMB, though.
β-Hydroxy β-Methylbutyrate (also known as HMB) is a substance formed when your body metabolizes the amino acid leucine, which is an amino acid that directly stimulates protein synthesis.
HMB is often sold as a muscle-building aid but the research purported to demonstrate these benefits is shaky at best, hindered most by design flaws. Thus, I’m not comfortable making anyclaims about muscle growth.
There is one benefit of HMB that’s well established, however: it’s an extremely effective anti-catabolic agent.
That is, it’s very good at preventing muscle breakdown, which means you will recover faster from your workouts and experience less muscle soreness (and the free acid form shows the most promise in this regard).
It also has no effect whatsoever on insulin levels, which means it can’t break your fasted state.
This makes HMB perfect for use with fasted training. Its powerful anti-catabolic effects and non-existent insulin effects means you reap all the fat loss benefits of training fasted without any of the problems relating to muscle loss or insulin secretion.
It’s also worth noting that HMB is superior to leucine in suppressing muscle breakdown becauseit’s more anti-catabolic than its “parent” amino acid.
This means it’s also more effective than branched-chain amino acid supplements because they rely on leucine for their anti-catabolic effects (isoleucine and valine are very weak in this regard).
Clinically effective dosages of HMB range between 2 and 3 grams, and that’s what you’ll find in my pre-workout fat burner FORGE.
FORGE is a fat burner made specifically for use with fasted training. It helps you lose fat–and “stubborn” fat in particular–faster, preserve muscle, and maintain training intensity and mental sharpness.

2. High-Intensity Interval Cardio

how to lose belly fat fast
In case you’re not familiar with “high-intensity interval training” or “HIIT,” it’s very simple: you start your workout with a warm-up, and then alternate between bouts of all-out exertion and low-intensity “cooldown.”
For example, you might warm up and then do 30 seconds of sprinting on a bicycle, followed by 45 – 60 seconds of slower pedaling, and you would repeat these intervals for 20 – 25 minutes.
Now, why do this form of cardio instead of the traditional steady-state type?
Well, studies such as those conducted by Laval University, East Tennessee State University, Baylor College of Medicine, and the University of New South Wales have conclusively proven that shorter sessions of high-intensity cardio result in greater fat loss over time than longer, low-intensity sessions.
In fact, a study conducted by The University of Western Ontario showed that doing just 4 – 6 30-second sprints burns more fat over time than 60 minutes of incline treadmill walking (one of the staples of “bodybuilding cardio”).
Furthermore, keeping your cardio sessions shorter means you better preserve your muscle and strength, which is vitally important when it comes to building a physique.
My Favorite Type of HIIT Cardio
I do all of my HIIT cardio on the recumbent bike for several reasons.
I like the stable position, which allows me to bring my iPad and read or watch a movie or show, but cycling also has particular benefits to usweightlifters.
You see, a study conducted by Stephen F Austin State University showed that different types of cardio affect your ability to build muscle and strength differently. The study subjects that ran and walked gained significantly less strength and size than those that cycled.
Why is this?
Well, the researchers believed that the main benefit of cycling was that the movement itself imitates weightlifting exercises that grow your legs, like squats and lunges. So if you can, hop on the bike for your HIIT cardio sessions.
My second and tertiary exercises of choice for HIIT would be rowing and sprinting because they too mimic hypertrophy movements.
Will HIIT Cardio Place Too Much Stress on the Body?
The idea that doing HIIT while dieting for weight loss is a bad idea because it places too much stress on the body has been kicking around for years. But it’s completely anecdotal–I’ve yet to see any clinical research that supports such a position.
I’ve worked with hundreds and hundreds of people of all ages and fitness levels, and I can’t actually think of one person that burned out on 3 – 5 weightlifting sesions and 3 – 4 HIIT sessions per week (which is what I recommend in my books).
That said, if you do start to feel overtrained within a week weeks of following my recommendations, start replacing HIIT cardio sessions with LISS (low-intensity steady-state) and see if that helps.
Start by replacing one HIIT session with LISS and see how you feel that week. If you’re still having issues, replace another and see if that does it. Continue this until you’re feeling better or all HIIT sessions are now LISS.

3. Heavy Weightlifting

how to lose belly fat for men
The common recommendation to really “shred up” is to pump light weights for high amounts of reps…but this is the exact opposite of what you want to actually be doing.
You see, when you restrict your calories to induce fat loss, your body becomes “primed” for muscle loss due to the calorie deficit. When your body is in this state and you focus on muscle endurance in your workouts (by working in higher rep ranges), you set yourself up for rapid strength loss, which comes with muscle loss as well.
Thus, what you want to focus on is preserving your strength, and you do this by lifting heavy weights, and by continuing to progressively overload your muscles.
While you may not be able to build muscle while losing fat (you can if you’re overweight and new to a proper weightlifting routine, however), you can most definitely maintain your strength and lose little-to-no muscle.
There’s another reason why you want to lift heavy weights while dieting to lose fat, and it relates to your metabolic rate (how many calories your body burns every day).
Research has shown that training with heavy weights (80-85% of 1RM) increases metabolic rates over the following several days, burning hundreds more calories over this time than workouts performed with lighter weights (45-65% of 1RM).
Furthermore, compound lifts like squats and deadlifts are especially effective in this regard because these types of lifts burn the most post-workout calories.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Working on weight loss? Then you probably want results -- fast.
Let me save you some time: skip the fad diets. Their results don't last. And you have healthier options you can start on -- today!

You can safely lose 3 or more pounds a week at home with a healthy diet and lots of exercise, says weight loss counselor Katherine Tallmadge, RD.

How to Lose Weight Fast

If you burn 500 more calories than you eat every day for a week, you should lose about 1-2 pounds.
If you want to lose weight faster, you'll need to eat less and exercise more.
For instance, if you take in 1,050 to 1,200 calories a day, and exercise for one hour per day, you could lose 3-5 pounds in the first week, or more if you weigh more than 250 pounds. It's very important not to cut calories any further -- that's dangerous.
Limiting salt and starches may also mean losing more weight at first -- but that's mostly fluids, not fat.
"When you reduce sodium and cut starches, you reduce fluids and fluid retention, which can result in up to 5 pounds of fluid loss when you get started," says Michael Dansinger, MD, of NBC's The Biggest Loser show.

Diets for Fast Weight Loss

Dansinger recommends eating a diet that minimizes starches, added sugars, and animal fat from meat and dairy foods. For rapid weight loss, he recommends focusing on fruits, veggies, egg whites, soy products, skinless poultry breasts, fish, shellfish, nonfat dairy foods, and 95% lean meat.
Here are more tips from Dawn Jackson Blatner, RD, author of The Flexitarian Diet :
  • Eat vegetables to help you feel full.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Get tempting foods out of your home.
  • Stay busy -- you don't want to eat just because you're bored.
  • Eat only from a plate, while seated at a table. No grazing in front of the 'fridge.
  • Don't skip meals.
Keeping a food journal -- writing down everything you eat -- can also help you stay on track.
"Even if you write it down on a napkin and end up throwing it away, the act of writing it down is about being accountable to yourself and is a very effective tool for weight loss," says Bonnie Taub Dix, MA, RD, author of Read It Before You 

Monday, August 10, 2015

Overweight does not necessarily equal unhealthy.
There are actually plenty of overweight people who are in excellent health (1).
Conversely, many normal weight people have the metabolic problems associated with obesity (2).
That’s because the fat under the skin is actually notthat big of a problem (at least not from a health standpoint… it’s more of a cosmetic problem).
It’s the fat in the abdominal cavity, the belly fat, that causes the biggest issues (3).
If you have a lot of excess fat around your waistline, even if you’re not very heavy, then you should take some steps to get rid of it.
Belly fat is usually estimated by measuring the circumference around your waist. This can easily be done at home with a simple tape measure.
Anything above 40 inches (102 cm) in men and 35 inches (88 cm) in women, is known as abdominal obesity.
There are actually a few proven strategies that have been shown to target the fat in the belly area more than other areas of the body.
Here are 6 evidence-based ways to lose belly fat.
1. Don’t Eat Sugar… and Avoid Sugar-Sweetened Beverages Like The Plague
Soda Bottles
Added sugar is extremely unhealthy.

Studies show that it has uniquely harmful effects on metabolic health (4).
Sugar is half glucose, half fructose… and fructose can only be metabolized by the liver in any significant amount (5).
When you eat a lot of refined sugar, the liver gets flooded with fructose, and is forced to turn it all into fat (6).
Numerous studies have shown that excess sugar, mostly due to the large amounts of fructose, can lead to increased accumulation of fat in the belly (7).
Some believe that this is the primary mechanism behind sugar’s harmful effects on health… it increases belly fat and liver fat, which leads to insulin resistance and a host of metabolic problems (8).
Liquid sugar is even worse in this regard. Liquid calories don’t get “registered” by the brain in the same way as solid calories, so when you drink sugar-sweetened beverages, you end up eating more total calories (9, 10).
Studies show that sugar-sweetened beverages are linked to a 60% increased risk of obesity in children… per each daily serving (11).
Make a decision to minimize the amount of sugar in your diet, and consider completely eliminating sugary drinks.
This includes sugar-sweetened beverages, fruit juices, various sports drinks, as well as coffees and teas with sugar added to them.
Keep in mind that none of this applies to whole fruit, which are extremely healthy and have plenty of fiber that mitigates the negative effects of fructose.
The amount of fructose you get from fruit is negligible compared to what you get from a diet high in refined sugar.
Btw… if you want to cut back on refined sugar, then you must start reading labels. Even foods marketed as health foods can contain huge amounts of sugar.
Bottom Line: Excess sugar consumption may be the primary driver of belly fat accumulation, especially sugary beverages like soft drinks and fruit juices.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

One of the biggest questions I get is “how do I lose my belly fat? I’ve tried several things but nothing worked”. When I ask what you tried I hear 100 daily sit-ups, cutting calories drastically, excess cardio, fat burners, etc. If you can’t lose your belly fat, you’re using the wrong approach. You don’t need endless sit-ups, supplements, starving yourself or worse surgery. Here are the 10 best ways to lose your belly fat – quickly and naturally.

 1. Stop Doing Crunches. Crunches will strengthen your stomach muscles, but won’t burn the belly fat that covers your abs. Spot reduction is a myth. You’re wasting time & effort doing 200 daily crunches. Crunches can also cause lower back pain, slouching shoulders & forward head posture. The Reverse Crunch doesn’t cause these problems, but again: spot reduction is a myth. To lose your belly fat, you need more. Keep reading.

 2. Get Stronger. Strength training builds muscle mass, prevents muscle loss and helps fat loss. The Squat & Deadlift work best to build strength. Your lower back keeps you upright from the back. Your abs from the front. Both muscles will work hard during heavy Squats & Deadlifts at keeping you from collapsing under the weight. Squats & Deadlifts allow you to stress your body with heavy weights, working all your muscles from head to toe. This helps getting stronger quickly and building muscle fast, including ab muscles. Spot reduction still doesn’t exist, so Squats & Deadlifts won’t burn your belly fat directly. However they’ll strengthen your abs and lower your waist size. If you never did both exercises, check StrongLifts 5×5. Only takes 3x45mins/week. 

3. Eat Healthy. As the saying goes “abs are built in the kitchen”. You can train hard & build muscular abs, but if you eat junk food all day, you won’t lose your belly fat. Stop eating processed food. Eat whole, unprocessed foods. Proteins. Meat, poultry, fish, whey, eggs, cottage cheese, … Veggies. Spinach, broccoli, salad, kale, cabbage, … Fruits. Banana, orange, apple, pineapple, pears, … Fats. Olive oil, fish oil, real butter, nuts, flax seeds, … Carbs. Brown rice, oats, whole grain pasta, quinoa, … No need to be perfect. Eating junk food actually helps fat loss by keeping your hormones sharp. Don’t overdo it though. Eat junk food 10% of the time max. That’s 4 junk meals/week if you eat 6 meals/day.

 4. Limit Alcohol Consumption. To lose your belly fat, what you drink is as important as what you eat. Alcohol from time to time is OK. But forget about losing your belly fat if you drink beer & sweet alcohols daily. Beer drinkers always have a pear shape: belly fat & man boobs – especially as they get older. Alcohol also stresses your liver which has to overwork to clear the toxins. This can get in the way of building muscles. Drink alcohol 10% of the time. Example Friday & Saturday night. Normal alcohol consumption, not the get drunk. Rest of the time: water, water with squeezed lemon, green tea, etc. Either that or forget about losing your belly fat.

 5. Eat Less Carbs. You need carbs for energy. Problem is that most people eat way more carbs than they need. Your body will stock the carbs it doesn’t need as fat. And this is often how you get belly fat. Unless you’re a skinny guy who needs to gain weight, lower your carb intake. Keep eating fruits & veggies with each meal. But cut back on potatoes, pasta, rice, breads, … Eat these post workout only. 

6. Eat More. Eating tons of healthy foods won’t make you fat. Especially not if you exercise 2-3x/week. Starving yourself is the number 1 nutritional mistakes. Healthy nutrition is important for 3 reasons: Energy. Food is energy. Your body uses food for weight lifting, working, digestion, etc. Lack of food means lack of energy, in all areas of life. Fat Loss. Eating the right foods helps fat loss: protein has the highest thermic effect and satiates, healthy fats promote fat loss, … Maintain Muscle. If you starve yourself, your body will burn muscle for energy – NOT fat. You’ll become skinny + fat. Hunger means you’re not eating enough. Don’t worry about calories. Just eat breakfast and eat every 3 hours from there on, including post workout. Eat healthy foods 90% of the time to lose your belly fat fast.

 7. Eat More Protein. Protein has a higher thermic effect than other foods: your body burns more energy processing proteins than it does processing carbs and fat. That’s why high protein diets work great at burning your belly fat. How much protein do you need daily? Do like I do: eat whole protein with each meal without worrying about the numbers. Check the 10 cheapest sources of protein to keep it budget-friendly. 

8. Eat More Fat. Fat doesn’t make you fat. Bad nutrition and lack of exercise do. Eating fat actually helps fat loss. Your body won’t stock fat as easily if your give it a constant intake of healthy fats. Fish oil is the best source of fat to lose your belly fat. Fish oil naturally increases testosterone levels and increases fat loss. 6g omega-3 per day is a good start. Check Carlson Fish Oil: 1600mg omega-3 per tbsp. Stay away from trans-fatty fats present in products like margarine. Trans-fatty fats are bad for your health. Eat whole unprocessed foods 90% of the time as I recommend in point 3 and you’ll avoid trans-fatty fats easily.

 9. Lower Your Body Fat. As a man, your belly is the last place where you’ll get rid of fat. If you have man boobs and a double chin, you’ll have to lower your body fat to lose your belly fat. Here’s how: Get Stronger. Strength training builds & maintains muscle, increases fat loss, helps sticking to diet, … Check StrongLifts 5×5 if you don’t know where to start: it only takes 3x45mins/week. Eat Healthier. Apply the 8 nutrition rules. Eat breakfast. Eat every 3 hours. Proteins, veggies & fruits with each meal. Carbs post workout only. 2 cups of water with each meal. Whole foods 90% of the time. Add Cardio. 15mins post workout, build up to 3x45mins/week. If you have less than 15% body fat, just get stronger and eat healthier. That will lower your body fat and make you lose your belly fat. Check the fat loss guide for more info about how to lower your body fat.

10. Stay Motivated. Looking at your belly or in the mirror gives you inaccurate feedback. What you see is influenced by food intake, water retention, light and your own perception. Self-image issues can make the last one tricky. 

Measure Body Fat: Every 2 weeks using a fat caliper. It doesn’t need to be accurate. What matters is that the trend goes down.

 Measure Your Waist. Also every 2 weeks. If you get stronger and eat healthy, your waist will go down fast. Your pants will start to feel loose.

 Take Pictures. Shoot pictures of yourself every 2 weeks: front, back & side. The side pictures will show the most change. 

Success breeds success. Track progress accurately so you know where you are and stay motivated to keep working at losing your belly fat. Don’t just read this post and go back to what you were doing. Take action. Lose your belly fat.